On last year’s trip to Austria, we had to switch trains to go from the Lakes region to Vienna. It required getting off one train, running across three train tracks, and hopping on the next train (leaving just a minute later). My husband grabbed the big bag, and the stroller, and I had the travel backpack and the three year old, and it was all well and good until I fell (managing to hold the toddler up, so I took all the impact). Once I was on the ground, it took every ounce of effort to pull myself up.
One of the most important considerations of any trip is baggage. If public transportation, including airplanes play into your trip, your baggage selection can impact your overall experience. Will you need to make quick changes between trains? Are you transferring between airplanes, and terminals (I have made the run from B to C at O’Hare, cursing my carry-on)?
For our East Coast trip we will have the cross-country flight, followed by mostly car travel (with a short trip to NYC by bus or train).
With small kids it is best to plan to check your luggage. This makes it much easier to board the airplane – you only have to worry about collapsing the stroller and putting away your carry-on luggage (complete with toys, DVD players or computers, books and comfort items).
These days checked luggage, means fees. Each airline has a different policy, so it is best to review prior to your trip. We are flying United who just started charging $15 for the first bag, and $25 for the second bag. My husband and I have status in the Mileage Plus program (for this year at least) so the fee will be waved on our bags. If we didn’t have the fee waved, the airline would charge us $15 for each bag up to four bags, and then $25 a bag for each additional bag up to eight bags. Since our children are over two and fully ticketed passengers they are entitled to checked baggage.
We will be traveling with five bags total -- three carry-on (includes the two kids’ backpacks – which can easily be tucked in our other luggage when needed – I’m thinking 6 a.m. ET when we arrive in D.C.) and two checked bags. The checked bags include a fabulous Target wonder duffel bag (about 34 inches long) that comes on wheels. It is very versatile, and at $30 it was great deal too. It will fit my husband and my clothes, the toiletries, first aid kit, as well as the checked travel toys. For the boys I have a medium-sized backpack for their clothing.
We will also have a small backpack for the computers and other electronics, reading material and comfort items (like blanket). By the way your little backpack should be big enough to double as a diaper bag for long day trips, and fit change of clothing, coats, etc. Mine even comes with it’s own raincoat.
When we go to NYC we will only take the small and medium backpacks. So imagine boarding a bus or a train with toddler in toe, and each adult carrying a light backpack – perfect.
On Wednesday I will post on traveling light… what to pack. We had to do it to avoid expensive overage charges in Europe (around 50 lbs total for all the luggage including carry-on per person) -- so we are quite experienced at traveling light.