Saturday, March 26, 2011

The end of potty training

Five years of diapers, pull-ups and wipes is slowly coming to an end. In January Caleb became fully potty trained during the day... in February, Xander became fully potty trained at night, and this week I thought I'd accomplished the hat trick and Caleb was ready to be fully potty trained at night too. We're real close, but no cigar. After a couple of days of some dry nights, some wet nights Caleb and I decided to take an underwear break and revert to pull-ups at night.

In a way it is a good thing, because we just bought a big stash of pull-ups when Caleb declared he was ready to wear underwear to bed. When we exhaust this stash we'll try again.

Before we brought Xander home I had some anxiety about the whole diaper process. I think it is normal. But after five years I'm a pro. I can change a diaper in two seconds flat on fleeing toddler. I know the true meaning of wardrobe malfunction and blow-up.  I know which brand of pull-ups work best at night on three-year old who loves his liquids before bed. And I know how to handle a nasty diaper rash caused by toddler's diarrhea -- don't ask -- and the pediatric gastroenterologist is right, they really do grow out of it around the age of three.

So, sometime between next week, and when we travel this summer we will not need to pack pull-ups or wipes. I can reduce the number of outfit changes, and the boys might even be able to repeat on pajamas to save packing space. We are coming to the end of an era, and I can't wait!

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