Between trains on our trip from Altstadt to Vienna, we had a short window, and we had to run across three trains tracks. Jonathan was carrying the stroller and two bags, and I was carry the heavy backpack and Xander. I tripped and fell on the mad dash ... managing to keep Xander off the ground. For a moment I thought I was physically unable to get up with a the three-year old and the heavy bag. I was like a turtle on my back. Somehow I managed to turn sideways and pull myself up ... but gosh, why does luggage have to weigh so much!
When it comes to packing, less is more. For most travel I start packing weeks in advance. I create a war room, and stockpile everything that I think I'm going to need. Then a week in advance I start the editing process. I put everything into the designated luggage, and what doesn't fit, doesn't go.
During our 2008 trip we had to pack for Xander, as well as little Caleb. We had to take into consideration weight requirements on all of the airplanes, and had to factor in the stroller. With a stroller two adults can comfortably manage two back packs, and one to two pieces of luggage on wheels.
We also had to pack for two climates. Russia has very warm July's, Austria not so much. I bought a mesh bag for Caleb's clothing. On the bright side we were able to store his clothing in Stavropol. We also stayed in the same hotel in Vienna on arrival and departure. We we were able to leave our warm weather Russia clothing at that hotel, while we touristed around Austria.
Still between diapers, wipes, clothing for three people, a stroller, entertainment, and a three year old who wanted to be carried ... it could get to be too much.
So, the rule of thumb when packing... less is more, if you can help it.
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