Friday, June 3, 2011

The Kindergarten Graduate

Yesterday we went to Xander's kindergarten graduation. I can't believe how quickly the school year passed. When we began this journey in August, I was so worried about sending my precious little boy into the big cruel world of public school. Now he seems so grown-up, happy and confident and ready for first grade.

Kindergarten has changed since I attended in the 70s. I should say I didn't like kindergarten at five, my teacher had no control over the class, and I was disappointed that we didn't learn anything. Today kindergarten is much more academically rigorous. Many people we know have chosen to red-shirt their child (wait until their child is six-years old before starting school) because of this.  Not that their child couldn't do the work, but they worry about the social aspects. A more rigorous environment requires sitting in circle, doing work independently at the project tables, opening their own lunch and feeding themselves (by the way Xander did come home hungry some days with an uneaten lunch).

But here is the thing... Xander blossomed socially in kindergarten. His communications improved, specifically diction and story-telling, and we are seeing his personality emerge, and the goofiness that is at his core and how he adapts in new environments.

Don't get me wrong, kindergarten was scary. We had lots of doubts. The homework alone was terrifying. Especially since we are working parents, and the whole family isn't together until 6:30 pm. And kindergartners are tired, so tired. But we figured it out. He did much of his busy work in the after school program, and I checked his work at home.

He also had an advantage. He went to a great preschool, and he could already write his name, count to 100, do simple math, identify shapes, tell time and recite the days of the week. But in an overcrowded class of 31 kids, he managed to learn his high frequency words, read at a first grade level, and foster a passion for learning. He makes up games, creates books and writes stories (of course every other word I spell for him) ... all of this is wonderful.

With Caleb, like Xander, we are starting school on time (in fact Caleb doesn't turn five until September 2).   Forget red shirting, for our boys it is the right choice.

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