Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spooky Goblyn's Glen at Oak Meadow Park, Los Gatos

It has been awhile since we road the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad. The boys are less interested in trains, although I'm not sure if they ever lose their fascination. The Thomas collection spends most of its time in the toy box, and the train table is now packed with legos -- thus is life. My preschoolers are now big 5 and 6 year olds.

Last weekend we went back to the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad at Oak Meadow Park in Los Gatos. It was our first time back since May. Although we didn't go for the train, we went for the Goblyn's Glen haunted house, which has become an annual tradition.

The boys donned their costumes, Caleb is a pirate this year, and Xander is a magician. We went before 8:30 pm -- which works out since their bedtime is 8 pm. At 8:30 pm the haunted house shuts down for a half an hour and becomes scary for the 9 pm crowd.

The haunted house allows you to do some early trick or treating, and it is well done -- spooky enough for the three and under set to cling to their parents, and friendly enough that children don't exit crying. Xander and Caleb had a blast.

The challenge with this year is that the haunted house is no longer associated with the railroad. So, the train, which was running, is priced separately. The haunted house is a bit expensive, and then you add $5 for the special event train pricing, and it was hard to do. So, we just went to the haunted house.

There is one more night of Goblyn's Glen -- running Friday through Sunday -- if you haven't been it is so worth it. We'll be back in a few weeks to ride the train and see the Christmas lights.

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